Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mollie 3 and 4 months

Miss Mollie turned 4 months today. What!? I took her 3 month pics a couple weeks late but did get her 4 month pics today.

 In true fashion she had a big spit-up right before I started snapping pics today. I can't believe she is getting so big!

  Mollie is talking a lot more now and is getting out quite a few sounds. She just learned to razz consistently and makes a huge, wet mess, but we can't help but laughing at her joy and excitement in her new sound. She likes to smile at people and bat at toys on her playmat.  We gave up on the swing and have tried the exersaucer. She is almost ready but has a little too much spit-up from not being able to hold her belly off the side. She still has a mid-morning crying jag most days. I thought it might be from me working out and not being able to pay attention to her as much, but it happened in church today while I was holding and showering her with attention. We're about done with breastfeeding. I'm holding on by a feeding or two. She'd probably be happy with formula, but I'm not emotionally ready. She is not a fan of the car seat and complains as soon as she is sat in it. She still sleeps wonderfully through the night most nights, still on her stomach. She naps between most feedings still, for an hour, sometimes longer if she misses one. She falls asleep between 9 and 11. I'm not a stickler on schedules and let her make her own and she holds to one fairly consistently. She is very spitty, I will probably make sure that's okay for her to be that way at the next appointment. I think she actually does better with a bottle than breastfeeding. We love watching her grow and her smiles make everyone's day better.


Savanna said...

She is so cute! She seems to have her own look compared to her sisters.

Jessica said...

A, she looks just like you in the smiley 4 month picture! So cute. Has it really been that long? Wasn't she just born? Crazy.